Wednesday, March 17, 2010

6 months old!

Addy turned 6 months old this last weekend! Wow! It's hard to believe so much time has passed since she joined our family. She is such a blessing! Her favorite song is Patty Cake (although we sing it Paddy Cake since we call her Addy Paddy!) and she laughs all the way through it! She's practically jumping out of her skin trying to get at our food and she continues to grow like a weed! And yes, her hair looks like that all the time, it's not static.

Addy is experimenting with new faces and sounds. She's discovered what we're calling the 'fit face.' I thought I would share it with you because not only is it very unique, you can see her little bottom teeth! She makes this face when she gets really tired. Unfortunately that has been happening a lot lately with all that's going on and with us trying to cut her back from 3 naps to 2 so she'll sleep past 4am! It is working but the only way to get through the evening without the fit face or whining is to get out for a walk. Thank the Lord for warm sunny weather!
We've been busy! We have our house on the market, we've been back to Salt Lake City house hunting, we have a going away party planned for Saturday and we move to SLC for good on April 1st!
Although we didn't find a house during our trip to SLC, it was a success because we had a good time, Addy did great (even being tired, teething, constipated and having fluid behind her eardrums!), the weather was fabulous and we think we know where in the city we want to live. We're 99% sure we're giving up our white picket fence though. :(
Brad continues to have fun being Addy Paddy's Daddy. We crack up that she is so easy going (she must have gotten that from Brad!) because it doesn't matter what you do to her, she just goes with the flow! This is Brad's favorite thing to do with Addy and he's been doing it for months but he's added a new element lately where he lets her free fall into a cradle position. She loves it! Cheap entertainment that travels well.
We stayed in a hotel all week and Addy had the loft all to herself! She even had her own bathroom and she really did enjoy every bit of it!
Thankfully after a week of house hunting (and a full day of it before flying home Friday!) Addy had her own seat on the plane and she was much happier being able to wiggle and sit up on her own.

We'd appreciate your prayers for all the upcoming logistics: Brad starting his new job, finding a house to buy, selling our house, finding temporary housing in SLC, starting real food with Addy and all the logistics with the move. Thank you!

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