Here are a few totally random photos and updates. . .
Our family on Easter before church. |
Our family celebrated 'Easter Passover' as our kids called it. We celebrated Jesus as our perfect Passover Lamb and we did went through a Messianic Seder dinner with the kids. It was really fun and we are looking forward to doing it again next year!
This is William after he found an egg
on the egg hunt at our friend's house.
This little dude has a lot of enthusiasm!
Elsie turned 3 at the end of April. . . actually, it was the second day in our new house and we had just gotten all the boxes and furniture and we managed to have a birthday dinner for her promising her that we'd have an Elsie day when Grandma and Ba showed up the following week. She was gracious (and I don't think she cared one bit!) and we celebrated her big day surrounded by boxes and complete chaos! Elsie is such a cutie! She loves to dance and constantly asks, "will you turn our favorite songs on please?" (which consist of anything from Aladin's Prince Ali to our friend Biff Gore singing A Change is Gonna Come on The Voice, to All the People Said Amen) She really has a thing for music and can recognize songs from just a few opening notes. She is also really starting to talk about Jesus a lot and how he 'died on the cross for MY sins!' She's fully entered THE THREE's in terms of her testing boundaries in her sweet little dance off and ignore what you told her to do way. Good grief. Well, at least she's not screaming at me like someone else used to do at 3. :) We're working on showing her consistent boundaries and trying to train her how to be self controlled and keep her emotions under control. (Yes, it's ok to be sad and mad but not to throw a fit.) It's so interesting to go through this with the second child because I'm WAY less stressed about it than I was with Addy. I know that this too will pass and I just need to work on one thing at a time.
Our new house and town are great and we found a neighborhood park just around the corner (well, maybe it's more like 4 corners) and the girls love riding their bikes there! It is turning into a staple for after naps. There are even some milk cows that graze the hills behind the park and love to come to the fence when you call them! So great! William is loving getting to play on the playground like a big boy and that dude is fearless. You really have to keep an eye on him. Except with the cows. . . he's not so sure about those.
So Mom & Dad did come for a visit (that was planned long before we found our house) and I am happy to say that they didn't have to help with the unpacking/moving in at all! We were done unpacking in 3 days because we had the most amazing moving crew that unpacked every single box and put stuff where I wanted it. So we really just spent a few days organizing and finishing up. When Mom & Dad were here we played, had adventures (like a date night in the city!) and celebrated Elsie's birthday.
Miss 3 year old on her birthday outing. Yes, her sunglasses are upsidedown. |
Our new town had a festival for The Opening of the Straight and the Yacht Club had kids games, crafts, music and all things boating for everyone to enjoy. We had a great time and got to catch up with our friends the Muellers that live here too (and their parents who were in town visiting). What a great place to live!
My monkeys. :) Oh, by the way, William is walking now and imitating sounds and words he hears. It's so fun! He has some serious opinions (shocker, I know!) and he lets his sisters know them. He loves to wrestle and jumps on top of anyone lying on the floor. He's such a fun little man. Addy is turning into quite the little lady. She can talk a blue streak and she has an amazing imagination! She loves creating plot lines for Elsie and her to play out and she's still quite a little mother to William.
The kids love playing music with my mom and this time William was a bit more of a participant! He danced, played music and sang right along with the girls.
So there you have it. The formatting of this post is horrible but I don't have time to fix it. :) So, we're alive and well in our new home ready for some normalcy and regular life. . . whatever that means with 3 littles! We are blessed.
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