This weekend Addy turned 6 weeks old and according to the official hospital paperwork, we could venture into crowds with her! Her first official outing besides our brief trip to a few stores last week (that was an adventure with me carting that huge
car seat around!) was to our friend Lyle's wedding. Brad and I even got dressed up (contacts and make-up!) and tried to pretend like it was a date. The fact that we don't even have a picture of ourselves shows how well that worked! Addy did great for most of it but we were pretty focused on her instead of our date. Oh well. Congratulations Lyle and Bethany
This weekend we also made our annual monster batch of apple butter. We started with 24 lbs. of apples peeled, cut and cored. . .
While the weather outside turned snowy we steamed up our kitchen with our production line. . .
Addy did what Addy does best. She napped. . .
and she played with us. Brody barked at the door every time a seal on a jar popped!
Brad slaved away over steaming apples processing them in the food processor to make the applesauce.
I was in charge of the canning pot and processing the jars to seal them.
By the end of the day we had a major mess in the kitchen and 51 jars of apple butter! What a great day and all that with a 6 week old!
You guys rock! I think I was still a zombie when O was 6 weeks old. I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy :)