I also thought I should tell the real story of his birth so that all of you that wagged your finger at me about 'barely making it to the hospital' would know what really happened.
Friday night, March 1, I had random contractions throughout the night (which I had been having for a while and even went to the hospital the week before on the 'first contraction' like everyone advised me so I wouldn't have a baby at home again). Anyway, in the morning they continued and about 9:30 I decided to lay down to be able to pay attention to them. We called my midwife and upon telling her they were 10-20 minutes apart she said we should wait to come in until they were closer together and stronger. So wait 3 hours we did and then all of a sudden, they went crazy. It was just like with Elsie's birth. Brad started freaking out (and so did Mom & Dad) that I get in the car right away. But you know if you've ever been in transition in labor, you don't really feel like moving much.
I did make my way into the car and Brad drove like heck to get us to the hospital. Less than 30 minutes after we pulled up to the hospital, William was born. My midwife was great. She met us there, they had a room ready and the nurses just let me do what I needed to do. They skipped all the procedures and just let me do my thing. My water broke and out he came. Crazy. But, we made it this time. We were glad too because William was a little blue because I had been breathing too fast and his oxygen levels were off so they were able to pink him up a bit. And, that first night in the hospital he aspirated some spit up and they had to give him oxygen and suction his stomach because he stopped breathing. That was so scary and we were glad we were not at home for that.
Since March 2, we've been blessed with help, meals and lots of gifts for our little guy. (I'm still working on thank you cards!) We were especially blessed when I came down with Mastitis and Brad had to finish a certification class for work. A friend watched the girls for me and neighbors brought us dinner. Brad goes back to work on Wednesday so we'll see if the house remains standing at that point.
Here's a slide show of the first couple weeks. Actually, it may only be the first week. I haven't seen my camera since. :)
On other news, Elsie is about to turn 2 and she's decided the birth of her baby brother "Yilliam" is a perfect time to start potty training. Whew! I don't want to discourage her but seriously?! She talks a blue streak and is very active. She loves to ride her strider, play at the park and just run, run, run! She's in the 'I do it!' phase for sure and she keeps us on our toes with her passion.
Addy, who is 3 1/2 (and she'll tell you she's not 3!), is a great big, big sister. She's very helpful with William. She's getting into playing board games and she is really growing in her independence. Addy loves to write in her nursing notebook (just like Mommy) and she loves to have one on one play time with anyone who is around.
Brad and I are trying to adjust to being outnumbered. We're seeing we've entered a season of quick prep meals, not much down time and lots of energy (not ours!). I'm sure we'll settle into a routine but right now everything feels pretty chaotic. Three is a LOT more than two! At least, that's how it feels right now. But you know, William is such a sweet little blessing and we experienced so many answers to prayer with his birth and since we've been home. It may be tricky for a while but we are blessed.