You know, I went to look for some pictures to post to update on our family's last month of life and here it is. . .
We don't even have one of our family on Easter because Brad and I were sick so we didn't get dressed up or even make it to church. I counted, we've only been to church 6 times since before Christmas. Good grief.
I was out in the yard getting rid of some weeds that have sprung up before we could get any spring prep yard work done and a neighbor drove by. She stopped to say 'hi' and as soon as she heard me speak, she said "What is with you guys?!" That's what I'd like to know. It's been almost a full month of solid sickness. Addy got an eye infection which led to an ear infection which ended in the flu. That meant some sleepless nights for me because Addy had a fever for 3 days. Then, she shared the flu with Brad. He missed 3 straight days of work and didn't emerge from bed much. He actually had a fever for 48 hours. We're pretty sure that's the first fever he's had since we've been married. Lucky for me, I got to sleep on the floor in the family room. ;) Then just as Brad was starting to feel better, Elsie got the flu and topped it off with double ear infections so severe that one of her ear drums burst. Gross. Picture snot coming out of her cute little ear for 4 days. She didn't sleep much for about a week because she had a fever for 4 days. Just when she started acting normal again. . . Wham! Brad got another fever and I started feeling tightness in my chest. I'm sure you don't really care about all these details, but since last Friday, I've been coughing, feverish and unable to really speak because it hurts so bad. Even Brad's not 100% yet. So make that 3 1/2 solid weeks of sickness and 6 visits to the pediatrician.
So, that is why the above is the only picture we have of the last 3 1/2 weeks. :) I'm pretty sure it was taken before she got sick. She was NOT smiling when she was sick.
With all the sickness, Elsie dropped to 16 1/2 lbs and she is about to turn 1! Poor little peanut! She's cruisin' along the furniture in the living room and yesterday she pushed the toy train and walked behind it. She loves to be outside (praise God for nice weather since all this sickness because we have been able to go for lots of walks and Elsie LOVES being outside. She's pointing to everything and saying 'dah.' We just name everything for her and she seems satisfied. But what she really loves is to see dogs and cats. She loves animals!
Poor Addy Paddy with all this sickness! She's been such a trooper. She continues to want to do projects all the time and we had a great time doing Resurrection Eggs to get ready for Easter. She pretty much has the Easter story down now. She loves to help me with whatever I'm doing and that includes cleaning. She's started taking her dishes to the kitchen after meals and she loves cooking. She is so busy! She continues to be an amazing big sister and she's really good at comforting Elsie when she's sad. She is just a little Mommy.
Well, not much else to say. Brad and I have been dreaming about landscaping our yard for months but we haven't been able to get out to do it. We also wanted to plant a garden. . . Maybe we'll at least plant a few things later.
We'd appreciate your prayers for health. There is a billboard on the highway near our home that says "All's well when you are" and lately I've been realizing how true that is. Our health really is our most valuable thing but we don't even think about it when we're well. Whew. We've been thinking about it a lot! We're ready to put this phase behind us. Thank you for your prayers!